Main topics to be discussed
1. Java Development Toolkits
2. JDK, JRE and JVM Introduction
3. Java Compiler Working and Byte Codes
4. JARs and Packages
5. Java Program Structre
6. Java Data Types
7. Loops and Conditions
8. Java inbuilt functions
9. Discussion on Q&A's from last webinar
10. Conclusion
Session Timing - 13-Jun-2021 - 18:00 IST to 19:00 IST - 1 Hour Free Workshop
Meeting Link - Click the following link and login as guest - Teams
Steps to Join the Meeting:
- Open the link in browser
- Cancel the pop-up and click on Continue on this browser
- Allow the camera and microphone (if the page doesn't load, click refresh button)
- Enter a name and join
Main topics to be discussed
1. Java Development Toolkits
2. JDK, JRE and JVM Introduction
3. Java Compiler Working and Byte Codes
4. JARs and Packages
5. Java Program Structre
6. Java Data Types
7. Loops and Conditions
8. Java inbuilt functions
9. Discussion on Q&A's from last webinar
10. Conclusion
Founder of He has more than 10 years of experience.