Powershell DSC

Script,CaC and IaC,Classroom Training,Online Training,DevOps Online,Classroom 16 Hours 10999

Best Powershell DSC Training at Chennai | Best Powershell DSC Online Training

What is Powershell DSC?

'Desired State Configuration (DSC) is an essential part of the configuration, management and maintenance of Windows-based servers. It allows a PowerShell script to specify the configuration of the machine using a declarative model in a simple standard way that is easy to maintain and understand.

DSC is a management platform in PowerShell that enables you to manage your IT and development infrastructure with configuration as code.

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a feature in PowerShell 4.0 and above that helps administrators to automate the configuration of Windows and Linux operating systems (OSes). DSC provides a set of PowerShell language extensions, cmdlets and a process called declarative scripting.

PowerShell DSC Training Content – 16 Hours

PowerShell DSC is PowerShell Desired State Configuration


Sub – Topic

Introduction to PS DSC

Powershell DSC Overview

PS DSC Installation/Configuration

Powershell DSC Installation/ Configuration

Configure LCM

Configuration of Local configuration manager

DSC Configurations

DSC scripting

DSC resources and Modules

Module& Resources Introduction

DSC Models

Brief about Pull vs Push models

DSC on Linux

Into modules for Linux


Hiran Ram Babu


To register for Powershell DSC

Online,Classroom 16 Hours 10999